August 2, 2022


Sarah Maher


Dear Church Folk—an open letter from my heart!

I know my opinion is pretty irrelevant, but I thought I might just think out loud here for a second because I’m around a lot of “Christians” and seem to be noticing a trend here. When dealing with our neighbors, enemies, loved ones, and even those who have truly hurt our hearts in the worst way.. no matter the person.. no matter the relationship… I personally think we are called upon to forgive, to show grace, and above all to always show love.  I mean that should always remain #1... can we all agree on that?

So WHY do I feel like sometimes my “Christian” relationships can be extremely disingenuous?

Here’s the thing.. I TOTALLY get that many of us—me included—can engage in the old “kill em with kindness” self-pep-talk. But, by and large, for the Christian, for the person who knows the Word, for the person who received salvation and is currently walking out this faith walk. I believe our end goal should be STRAIGHT UP kindness. Not just “killin em with kindness” because that is ultimately a form of confirming that you can’t stand them.

What I am proposing is genuine kindness. When I think about Christ and how He dealt with people while He was here on earth, I don’t believe He had to clench his fist and grit his teeth when dealing with people.  No!  He covered all of man’s sins with love.

So what am I getting at?  I say let’s have the hard conversations. Let’s go there with our brothers and sisters and get past the false smiles and the kill-em-with-kindness poker face. Let’s uproot bitterness and seek to live at peace (again preaching to myself here).

I’m 26- years -old and I don’t have much figured out, but I do know that one day when I stand before the most High I’m going to be accountable to how I dealt with people. That’s not a scary thing-- it’s more like a  Dude I need to get my heart right thing.


Sarah Maher

unfiltered pastor’s wife

Sarah Maher


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